Sunday, October 25, 2015

October 12, 2015 " Call Upon His Holy Name"

Tortillas: 17

Que glorioso es nuestro Dios!  HOW GLORIOUS IS GOD!!!  This was a wonderful and very busy week!  We had many wonderful experiences with investigators and I feel my trust and faith in the Lord growing everyday.  I am so grateful that he loves me enough to give me the opportunity to follow the example of his son Jesus Christ and to help others to do the same.  There is no greater joy than that.  I have also learned alot about goals and how important it is that we set our goals with trust in the Lord, and asking him to help us.  If we set our goals high, then go before the Lord to plead his help, because alone we can not do it, he will help us.  I have seen it many times, and I know that because of him this work goes on.  I love my Heavenly Father and my Savior so much, and I feel unexplainably grateful for all they do for me.

Major Milagro:

This week two of Gods children took the step of making a covenant with God through baptism.

 The story of how they got to that point is very miraculous!  It all started when family Chuc  were in the hospital, two Elders began to talk to them.  They showed a lot of interest in the message, so they gave the two Elders their information to allow the missionaries to come by.  The referal was passed to the missionaries in Cantel, the area where familia Chuc lives.  For a while the missionaries never came because they live in a far away village.  When I arrived to Cantel, the elders had already had one lesson with this family, and when they were invited to church two of the children, Anacleta she is 15 and Juan Francisco , 9 years old came the first week, by bus of about 30 minutes.  We soon came to find out that their father, Baltazar, had been receiving the missionaries when he lived in the United States but was not able to enjoy or have the opportunity to be a member.  So, the process of teaching began and they were very faithful in investigating and coming to know the truth of our message.  Because of complications of work and other situations, the father and mother were not able to come to church, but they accepted that their children came.  This past week Anacleta and Juan Francisco were baptized.

The joy they expressed was unmeasurable.

 To add to the miracle, this also opens up many doors for their village and other surroundings, of which have never had the opportunity to hear the gospel.  Also, with more time more and more members of their family will have the opportunity to enjoy of the complete blessings of the gospel of Jesus Christ.  I know that God loves all of his children and he will find a way to bless them, no matter where they live.  I am grateful for his blessings.

Testimony time:

This life is a time for us to learn and be prepared for Christ to come.  It is not always easy, but God has given us guides and helps, like the scriptures and modern day prophets to help us.  In these helps, is the wonderful power of prayer.  A scripture in the Book of Mormon teaches this principle clearly :

Helaman 3:27

 27 Thus we may see that the Lord is merciful unto all who will, in the sincerity of their hearts, call upon his holy name.

I know that without a doubt, if we sincerely go before the Lord and plea for his mercy, he will give it to us!  We cannot go throughout this life without his heavenly help.  We are just making it harder than it has to be.  I testify that he hears and answers every one of our prayers, even though it is always in his time.  Sometimes, he is just waiting for us to ask and humble ourselves.  If we will kneel down, go before him, plead with him with all of our hearts, he will provide.  If we ask for a fish, he will not give us a serpent, but he will give what we need.  He truly does love us, and I testify of his love, in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

I love to get on the buses and share the gospel!
Ultimate frisby zone activity!  I love my zone!  They are all such hard workers and kind people!

Zunil, Las Cumbres

Fun P-day with my zone at Las Cumbres in Zunil, I will bring you all here to eat when we come back to visit!  The food is amazing and it is so beautiful!!!

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